Current & Upcoming Actions & Events

This Month! August 2020
MONDAY 8/24: Submit verbal or written comment to SF’s Budget & Appropriations Committee to fund community, not policing & jailing!

Monday, 8/24 — 10 am

Help us keep up momentum: this Monday will be the last time we can give public comment before the Budget and Appropriations Committee votes on the budget that will be voted on by the full board. We have been asking the Board to divest from policing all summer and we know they’re listening– we can’t give up now!

How you can make your voice heard:

  • Email the Board of Supervisors to ask them to invest in care, not cops and cages.
  • Join us at the meeting live — your voice is most powerful when you speak from the heart about why you believe jailing and policing do not keep us safe.
  • If you’re unable to dial in, you can send a written comment via email. It’s still really important that the supervisors hear from you before they vote next week!
  • You can find phone instructions, an email template, and talking points HERE.
    These materials will be available in Spanish by Sunday.

Need some guidance? Reach out to Melissa for assistance!

SAVE THE DATE: August’s Abolition in Action Event on Harm Reduction & Decriminalization

Para información en español, haga clic aquí.
Care Not Cages:
Harm Reduction, Decriminalizing Survival & Liberating SF
Thursday, August 27th, 5:30-7:30pm
Register before the event here!

Find more info on our “Care not Cages” event here.
Para información en español, haga clic aquí.

Past Actions

Our coalition members and allies have carried out powerful actions to demonstrate our commitment to strong communities, not more jails.

Check out some of the important work the coalition has done HERE.
2015 VICTORY Defeating the City’s Proposal for a New Jail in SF: