Getting Out & Getting Free:

Abolitionist Resource Guide to ReEntry in SF

Have you or a loved one just gotten out of SF County Jail? Want help finding resources and services you might need?

This website page has a ton of info you might find useful, in helping you get the resources and support you need transitioning to life outside of a cage. 

Before checking our resources, please carefully read our Tips for Accessing Reentry Resources Safely below. 

Getting Out & Getting Free: Stay Smart Tips!

Tips for Staying Smart & Accessing Reentry Services Safely

While using these resources and while reaching out to these agencies, keep a few things in mind for your safety and the safety of your loved ones:

1. Having just been in jail, you are heavily policed.

In addition to maybe being on probation and dealing with your PO, adjusting to the ways you are directly and indirectly targeted and policed outside of jail might take some time adjusting to.

2. Not all service providers are your friends, and not all agencies are safe places.

Many service providers want to help everyone who walks in and needs help. But some service providers participate and even believe in the City’s use & systems of policing, surveillance and criminalization. Some agencies actively collaborate with and are even a direct part of the court system. 

    • Whether being a mandated reporter or relying on 5150 orders, service providers and social workers often collaborate with police. 
    • Some reentry agencies are also directly managed by or at least funded by the Probation Department, a critical part of the City’s jailing system that wants to see more people in cages. 
    • Remember that sometimes when we are stressed, worried or upset, strangers often assume that we are high, violent, angry, sketchy or out of control. 
    • Be yourself, and try to be as calm and naturally friendly  as you can when interacting with service providers and strangers in or near agencies. 

3. Always be aware of your surroundings and “read the room” any time you visit an agency or organization for services.

The moment you walk through the door, think: 

  • Does this group actively collaborate with police? What shows me if they do or not?
  • How might I need to be careful and protect myself while being here and getting the services I need?
  • Should I try a different agency first?
  • What else are my options for what I need?

If possible, make sure to clearly abide by all requirements of your probation while visiting the agency, and try to go when you are not influenced by any substances, especially if you’ve never visited that specific agency before.

4. Remember that you have your Miranda Rights, even if you are on probation. 

  • You have the Right to Remain Silent when approached by Cops
  • You have the Right to a Lawyer, and it doesn’t have to be a lawyer you’ve had before.
    • You also have the Right to a parent to be present if you are under 18
  • You have the Right to NOT Consent to a search. 
    • Even if a cop says they have probable cause, making it known to bystanders that you are NOT consenting to a search and you have these rights can help others support you with cop-watching steps.
      • It’s always good practice to say these rights to yourself out loud, repeatedly if need be, so bystanders can hear you and see you may need their help watching the police. 

If you have advice for other folks getting out and accessing services safely, you can share your experience and knowledge here. 



What Do You Need?

What Are You Looking For?: